Upcoming Estate and Moving Sales
Upcoming sales from Christy’s. We provide detailed descriptions, pictures, and directions to local estate sales in your area. Check out where we’ll be next.
Please bring help to load large items. We will not have anyone on hand to lift or move heavy items. We accept CASH or a personal check if you are known to us. Please plan accordingly.
There will be a sign-up sheet put out one hour before the sale. Customers will enter the home according to the order on the sign-up sheet.
This great sale has many unique and diverse finds. There is large amount of turquoise jewelry, Midwestern arrow heads, stylish and functional furniture & lamps, dishes including Johnson Bros., Spode, Wedgwood C & S, Blue Willow and others. Numerous books including antique, many art supplies, wall decor, art, office supplies, vintage toys, dollhouse furniture, Steiff puppets and smalls. There are baskets, many collectibles, Asian decor including cloisonné Ginger jars, women’s better clothing mostly Small to Medium ( Eileen Fisher & J Jill), coats and footwear. Many tools, plastic totes, yard & garden. We will be adding to the listing as other items are uncovered. Large furniture pieces subject to presale to make room for setup.
Jewelry and turquoise will be off site until sale morning.
Tuesday Feb, 11th 10:00-4:00
These are just some of the pictures. You can see all of the pictures, information, and address at the above link.
Contact Christy’s TODAY at 269-377-3253 for a free estate and moving sale consultation.
Christy’s Estate and Moving Sales is a Proud member of EstateSales.Net